Senin, 31 Desember 2007

McCain Surges To Lead In A New National Poll

A brand new Rasmussen poll just released this morning finds John McCain surging to a slight overall lead nationally. The Rasmussen Poll seems to reflect the growing support after some strong newspaper endorsements and that of Senator Joe lieberman. Not that long ago, the McCain effort looked all but doomed to certain failure, but the endorsements have resulted in a few voters taking a second look at McCain. McCain is highly unlikely to win in Iowa, so he must regain momentum in New Hampshire. However, this could possiby happen if this late surge continues.

Hillary Clinton continues with nearly the same level of lead that she has held for months over both Barack Obmama and John Edwards. Unless either gains a huge double momentum bounce out of both Iowa and New Hampshire, the Hillary Clinton machine will be difficult to stop towards her drive for the Democratic nomination.

Signs are that the Republican race may continue for a few weeks while Hillary Clinton may quickly be able to gain a hold on the Democratic nomination. Romney will need victories in both Iowa and New Hampshire to drive on to victory with any real momentum. And Huckabeee is unlikely to back up any possible narrow Iowa win over Romney with one in New Hampshire, suggesting that his campaign really has nowhere to go. Guiliani continues to fade as does Thompson, with both more and more unlikely to capture the GOP nomination with every new poll released.

If McCain should win the nomination and actually be elected, he'd be the oldest president ever elected. At some point this age factor could become an issue.

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