Depite official Israeli government resolutions not to negotiate with either terrorists or rival states that support terrorism, the government of Israel has now officially acknowledged that it is actively involved in talks with both Hamas and Syria and is seeking possible peace deals with both parties. Israeli Vice Premier Haim Ramon has confirmed that the Jewish state is involved in such talks with Hamas. And Israel pledged to resume fuel exports to the Gaza Strip on Monday as a possible move to help encourage Hamas to work towards both a ceasefire and a resolution of the abduction of Israeli soldier Gilad Shilit. United pressure on Hamas to renounce violence and recognize the state of Israel from the United Nations, EU, the U.S. and Russia may also have influenced Hamas to accept political reality if in intends to remain in pollitical control of the Gaza Strip and represent a portion of the Palestinian people. The political rival of Hamas, Fatah represents another portion of the Palestinian people and Fatah continues to have more politically realistic and productive relations with Israel.
Egypt has been playing a helpful role in the negotiations between Israel and Hamas in recent days. And the NATO state of Turkey has been involved in the possible peace negotiations between Israel and Syria, which might work towards more normalized relations relations between the two longtime political and military rivals.
In recent days, Bush-McCain have both recently sought to make a major campaign issue of the fact that Democratic candidate Barack Obama would at least like to open some channel of communication with Iran to help resolve some of the many serious issues between the U.S. and Iran. Bush-McCain have attempted to make this into another phony issue questioning the national security and foreign policy insights of Senator Obama. However, as the new revelations of Israel actively seeking to negotiate peace with both Hamas and Syria prove, it is absolutely important to open some line of communication with rivals to prevent serious conflicts. Colin Powell, James Baker and many others with strong foreign policy credentials all accept the political reality of at least having some line of communication with Iran, while the Bush-McCain policy of not at least holding some talks with your rivals seems to fly against political reality.
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