Selasa, 16 Desember 2008

Film Details Possible American & Northern Alliance Massacre Of Thousands Of POWs

A film produced and directed by former BBC producer Jamie Doran, who is Irish, gives pretty compelling evidence of a massive massacre of thousands of Taliban prisoners by American soldiers and their Northern Alliance Afghan fighter allies. 8,000 Taliban prisoners surrendered to American and Northern Alliance forces. But perhaps as many as 3,000 were killed and buried in mass graves by American forces and their Afghan allies.

A religious organization, Believers Against The War is helping to distribute the film and to make every member of congress aware of this serious incident of Geneva Convention rules for humane prisoner treatment being violated.

The full 50 minute film may be viewed at

Thousands of Taliban prisoners were loaded into sealed containers and many were shot to death when they screamed for air to breathe during what is known as the "Convey Of Death".

Certainly the U.S. is at war with the Taliban. And certainly these religious extremist fighters aided Al Qaeda in their 9/11 attack on the U.S. However, it is the moral duty of the U.S. military to always behave in a lawful and honorable manner. And this film raises disturbing questions about the U.S. role in this massive massacre of thousands of POWS.

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