Loud-mouthed overweight blowhard prescription drug addict talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, let it be known to his millions of misguided radio listeners that he wants President Obama to fail recently. Thank you Mr. Limbaugh, you've proven my point that you really don't have the best interest of your country at stake, only promoting your own narrow screwed-up political agenda.
On Saturday morning, Mr. Obama's radio address presented goals of increasing the number of available mortgages and reducing interest rates to help jump start the terrible housing crisis. And the economic stimulus bill presents a wide range of financial and job creation goals to millions of American workers and businesses. Mr. Obama is working hard to try anything that might work to help to revive the American economy. He's acting as one of the most engaged presidents ever. And yet, Mr. Limbaugh wishes Mr. Obama to fail.
I know that drug addicts are unreasonable persons, but c'mon Mr. Limbaugh. Think about the good of your country once in a while, you overweight pompous twit. Millions of Americans are out of work right now. And the unemployment levels are reaching 9% in some well educated and normally affluent states like Oregon and Washington, despite the best efforts of political leaders to keep these economic situations with stability. Yet Mr. Limbaugh wants failure?
Mr. Limbaugh, like his partisan counterparts in congress who opposed the economic stimulus bill may object to some of the spending proposals in the bill. However, every bill has a number of provisions added that not every member of congress likes. But Mr. Obama has openly offered a hand to the Republicans to add any provisions or ideas to this bill and to remove any wasteful spending provisions.
Mr. Obama is making every effort to be a decent manager of the government, who is not very partisan. He is making every effort to revive the economy and to be inclusive to any ideas that might possibly work, whether they come from Democrats or from Republicans. Millions of Americans need a job to pay their rent, put food on the table and to afford to raise their children. An arrogant and pompous millionaire like drug addict Rush Limbaugh doesn't seem to understand this living in his ivory towers miles above the city. But real people are hurting big time. And Mr. Obama is seeking a bipartisan solution to the economic mess. Mr. Obama isn't seeking glory for himself, but genuine public service for the public good. And Mr. Obama would like all responsible politicians of either party to participate in this goal. This is the true meaning of public service.
Mr. Limbaugh could choose to act responsibly and make constructive suggestions for economic proposals, and Mr. Obama would be open to these constructive notions, but instead Limbaugh uses the airwaves to peddle political insult humor that he thinks is constructive politics. But it certainly isn't. Hey Mr. Limbaugh, think about the good of your country sometime, will you?
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