Too often is is far easy to simply be critical of opponent during an election campaign. But this doesn't really give any good reasons why one would support one candidate over the other. The fact of the matter is that voters should have some good reasons for voting for a candidate for president. Here's ten good ones:
One: Barack Obama has a 98percent positive voting record for labor and working people's issues according to the AFLCIO's Committee On Political Education(COPE) according to Union Review. Working people can put their full trust behind Obama to work on behalf of their interests. Just this last week, Barack Obama gave an excellent speech in which he articulated why he believes in labor unions and displayed a wide knowledge of their history and contributions to American society including the 40 hour work week, the end to child labor, good wages, health care benefits, and many other bonuses to the lives of workers that have helped to propel them to middle class status in American society.
Two: Barack Obama is trustworthy. He has had one solid marriage to one wife. He's a good family man. There has never been infidelity or an affair like his opponent.
Three: Barack Obama is young and has the energy and drive to do a great job as president.
Four: Barack Obama is an excellent manager who knows how to delegate responsibility to the right people to achieve results. It was absolutely amazing how the Obama Campaign was so well organized that it could topple the Clintons during the primary campaign, which was proof that Obama can delegate enough responsibility to achieve whatever results are needed.
Five: Barack Obama is blunt and honest about the facts. Barack Obama realizes that it would be up to a 10 year process of permits, exploration and work for any new oil drilling to provide even one drop of oil for American motorists. And some Wall Street oil analysts estimate that up to $250 billion of new investment would be required to pay for all of this as well. Instead of holding out this far fetched promise to his voters like his opponent, Barack Obama is offering a wider more forward looking and realistic energy policy where new oil drilling is not the main hope for making American oil independent.
Six: Barack Obama has a far wider education than his opponent. Barack Obama not only has a law school education, but taught constitutional law as a professor.
Seven: Barack Obama is ver7y smart. Barack Obama could have millions of dollars in business as a CEO or top manager, but has instead devoted himself to community and public service instead. This has been a great sacrifice on his behalf, but it proves where his values are.
Eight: Barack Obama has a vision for the country. His opponent's campaign ridicules Obama for having a vision on what he would do as president only because they lack a vision of their own. The Obama campaign offers comprehensive solutions to numerous issues on their campaign website and in policy papers.
Nine: Barack Obama is an agent of change. It won't business as usual at the White House with big interests able to bully the public or buy their way into power. Even in a Wall Street speech, Barack Obama bluntly told these powerful persons some things they didn't want to hear while at the same time holding out a strong hope to them of working hard to improve the economy so that everyone can share in the American dream, not just the wealthy and powerful. The Obama Campaign is all about hope for a better tomorrow for everyone. Everyone's invited to a partner in this new hope.
Ten: Barack Obama will appoint the right kind of judges based on their qualifications and not just their political ideology like the current president. As a constitutional law professor, Barack Obama understands the importance or preserving the U.S. Constitution and The Bill Of Rights. He is the candidate running for president whose educational and teaching background uniquely prepares him to make wise choices the head the nation's courts and make justice work again.
Need I say more?
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