John McCain continues to argue that he has some longer record on Capital Hill that better qualifies him for public office. Yet few know that an ugly part of this record is John McCain's long history of telling bigoted, racist and homophobic jokes at Bullfeathers lounge in Washington, D.C. to his friends over drinks. McCain also has a long record of opposition to virtually every piece of legislation dealing with civil rights, the Martin Luther King Holiday or Gay rights as well.
McCain loved to make African Americans, Vietnamese, Gay citizens, Hispanics the blunt of his racist jokes with friends at Bullfeathers, using blunt language like "fag", "queer", "nigger", "spic", "wetback" or "gook" in his jokes at Bullfeathers. Yet McCain lies to the public and now claims that he has no racist instincts. Yesterday, one of his campaign managers, Senator Lindsay Graham(R-SC) also lied to the nation about McCain's long history of racism on FOX NEWS SUNDAY claiming that McCain hasn't a "racist bone in his body". Yet the jokes of John McCain and his voting record on civil rights issues certainly prove that Senator Graham is clearly not telling the truth.
Here are some quoted jokes from John McCain overheard in public at Bullfeather's. You can be your own judge of whether John McCain is a bigot and racist:
"Two dykes are talking at a bar and one leaves. As she walks towards the door, the other watches her leave and says out loud: "God, I'd love to eat her out".
Two men are standing nearby and one turns to the other and says: "I'd like to do the same. Guess that makes me a dyke"----John McCain
"Why does Mexican beer have two "x's" on the label? Because wetbacks need two cosigners"----John McCain
"Did you hear the one about the woman who attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to die. When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak her doctor leans over to her her sigh contently, "Where is that marvelous ape?"----John McCain
In fact, jokes about rape are another common theme in the jokes by John McCain overheard by patrons at Bullfeathers lounge. McCain is strangely attracted to finding humor in violent sexual assaults against women.
At times, McCain is far less than trying to be funny. Such as this quote that sums up the real John McCain political philosophy:
"I play to win. I do whatever it takes to win. If I have to fuck my opponent to win I'll do it. I won't give it a second thought".----John McCain
In addition to being a ruthless and caustic politician, McCain has long held bizarre views, calling respected South African leader Nelson Mandela, "A terrorist", offered some support for White Supremacists George Wallace, Jr. and former KKK leader David Duke, and calling the children of divorced fathers, "tar babies". For 27 years, McCain continued to use the ugly term, "gook" to refer to all Asians, and not just those Vietnamese who mistreated him as a POW.
After a week of running some outrageous personal attack ads against Obama that avoided issues and were simply personal attacks in nature, racist candidate McCain has now pulled even or slightly ahead in the presidential race according to new polls by Gallup and Rasmussen. Racist candidate McCain, needs to be taken at his word when he claims that he plays "to win" and will "do whatever it takes to win". With his personal racist sentiments it must be highly personal for McCain when his opponent is a well educated, handsome, young African American, which reflects the type of highly personal nature of the attacks ads that racist candidate McCain is using to destroy his opponent. McCain has always made race an issue during his entire career as a politician. And 2008 is unfortunately no exception for McCain. Same old McCain. Same old racism.
(A very important personal note here. I'm very unhappy at some of the language of John McCain here. And I'm deeply sorry that I have to reprint such language here on this blog that strives for top quality and makes every attempt to avoid anything of any offensive nature. But for important journalistic accuracy sake, the quotes of John McCain are used here in their complete entirety because of their serious newsworthy value. I am deeply sorry if anyone is offended by the use of such language as a part of legitimate news coverage. However, the actual full quotes of John McCain are important information for voters to consider before they cast a vote this November.----Paul Hooson)
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