On April 4, 2006, "outlaw" country music star, Hank Williams, Jr. surrendered to a police warrant in Memphis, Tennessee, after the incident in which he was apparently accused by a 19 year old waitress, Holly Hornbeak, of coming up from behind the waitress, demanding a kiss and then choking her when she resisted his sexual advance. Lawyers for Williams claimed that lawyers for Hornbreak demanded large damages to settle the case as a defense.
Hank Williams, Jr.'s lawyers were able to eventually get the charges dropped on the grounds of a lack of evidence. However, none of that really clears up in a court of law whether the incident didn't actually take place or not just because of a lack of third party witnesses. And according to reports by hotel and motel staffers over the years, Williams has been known for difficult and demanding behavior before such as in a Portland, Oregon concert appearance when he was a guest at the Red Lion according to some staff members. In the Williams case, District Attorney Bill Gibbons refused to specify to the CMT News whether Williams lawyers made a financial settlement to Hornbeck to drop the misdemeanor assault charge or not.
During several campaign appearances on behalf of John and Sarah Palin, Hank Williams, Jr. performed a new version of his classic , "FAMILY TRADITION" song in which he sometimes used very inflammatory antiObama language including "terrorist friends" in some versions and other inflammatory language. But in other appearances, some of the inflammatory language was sometimes missing. There also appeared to be some sort of racial reference to "Black" people during one campaign appearance of the song as well for some reason. Williams was accused of racism before when he released the song, "IF THE SOUTH WOULDA WON", while others defend the song as merely being a bit on the sardonic side. But it remains controversial. But often his songs seem to carry forth an inciteful and angry message that seem to be a volatile mixture if played anywhere alcohol is served like redneck bars.
Williams was known for early battles with drug and alcohol abuse and a failed 1974 suicide attempt. And his songs often feature some outrageous inflammatory lyrics of some type that appeal to a real redneck audience of fans. Williams has reportedly been divorced four times so far, and hardly seems like any poster boy for the McCain-Palin team to attempt to appeal to Christian "family values" voters.
Yet this millionaire recording artist claims that his fans are just the same as him, even while opposing Obama's tax plans that would slightly raise the taxes for millionaires like Williams while lowering taxes for most who attend the McCain Campaign appearances. Williams shares part of a $1 million dollar a year royalty payments from the the songs of his late father, Hank Williams, Sr., as well as his own concert and recording income.
The McCain Campaign seems to be so hard up for celebrity endorsements that it is even willing to take them from a controversial and inciteful personality like Hank Williams, Jr., where just because criminal charges were dropped in the 2006 assault case is hardly any clean bill of health that he's a wholesome personality for the McCain Campaign to embrace as any sort of role model for campaign appearance after appearance. But the McCain Campaign appears so desperate for support that it will take the support of anyone. Absolutely anyone.
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