Prejudiced antiGay Christian beauty queen, Miss California, Carrie Prejean, might be forced to give up her title to a runner-up as more racy photos are surfacing over the last two days. Prejean lied and claimed that she only posed for one racy photo, as new ones continue to surface to question her honesty.
After her very judgemental views regarding Gay Americans, Carrie Prejean has now been caught in a serious scandal that makes her appear as just another Christian hypocrite who is real judgemental of others, while she has her own skeletons falling out of her own closet.
The young model was only 17 at the time, which also begs the question why her mother even allowed a child that young to pose for such photos in the first place, as well as other legal issues. It was outrageous lack of judgment on the part of Prejean, her mother and the photographer.
The Christian right, many Republicans and those in the antiGay rights community have embraced Prejean's antiGay sentiments. Even over at at our sister website, Wizbang, there was glowing praise of Prejean only days ago. But since this scandal has developed, so far over at Wizbang nothing has has been printed. When one of the heroes of the far right is caught in some scandal, then silence and denial among the right seems to be pretty common place.
After this scandal. it will be pretty difficult for Prejean to be making the tour of Christian right programs or churches and denouncing Gay Americans since she is now damaged goods much like some like Jimmy Swaggart have been badly damaged by scandal of their own making.
Another fraudulent icon of the far right has fallen here. Miss California, Carrie Prejean, was always a phony hypocrite, and now the truth is known.
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