In one of the most stupid comments ever offered up by a religious right screwball, Robert Peters, who is the President of the right wing organization, Morality In Media, recently attempted to draw some absurd link between Gay Marriage and mass murders. Then, when this idiot sought to clarify his stupid comments, he made some wacky reference to Nazi Germany as well.
The fact of the matter is that Peters has made a real career out of pandering his own screwball brand of pseudo-science and his own crazed variety of cause-effect stories that seldom have much actual basis in facts or true scientific studies.
Like some perverted ambulance-chaser, Peters exploits nearly every opportunity of a mass murder story so that he can blame the media, entertainment, pornography or even Gay marriage, all just to beg his followers for cash donations. Peters himself is the real sick puppy here, seeing only opportunity in every sad story about a mentally ill person with a gun who freaked-out and killed innocent persons in some public place such as a school to create some phony cause-effect claim to shake down other idiots for donations to Morality In Media who have more dollars than sense.
Society is hardly responsible for some mentally ill person who acted on their own due to paranoid schizophrenia or some other mental illness who illegally acquired weapons to commit public acts of mayhem. Further, how Gay marriage is somehow responsible for such isolated acts of violence by the mentally ill is a disturbed logic of it's own, and certainly begs questions about the mental health of Peters. Where's the connection, Peters? There is none is the answer.
Leave it up to some wacko like Peters to claim that because two persons love one another and want to legally commit to each other, that somehow that has some connection to mass murders. Any intelligent person cannot even start to connect those crazy dots. Robert Peters might just be the dumbest leader of the radical right ever. And some religious leaders really stink up their reputations whenever they praise such a crazy guy or his screwball organization.
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